Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I just want to take a break from my shit life and tell all my Readers that you are all very important to me! I hope you love what you read and your feed back is greatly appreciated. You guys really help me feel less alone. And even those who read and don't comment or know what to say, I can still see that I get readers and that alone makes me less alone.

Though I may know none or one of you physically, nor personally, I must say that I feel very close to you because I share my darkest and deepest feelings on here that sometimes I share with no one. As "anonymous" as this blog may be, these are very real posts and I want you all to know that nothing on here is fake.  If you all personally knew me, you'd all know that this is the real me! I am as real on here as I am in person, however, I share a lot more personal and deeps thoughts with you and I just want to share how special that is to me.

Thank you all for your generous, non-judgmental comments and opinions! I welcome all of them.




  1. I hardly ever comment, my lovely, but I do read your blog very regularly :D I feel the exact same way about my them all to bits :P xxxx

  2. You can get through this sweetie <3
    Alice xx


Be simple, be honest. [ stats? ]