Monday, July 22, 2013

A little love never hurt anyone...

because all the times you were hurt it wasn't love.

The best feeling in the world is not good enough for some or is too good for others.

Seth is too good for me.

I'm not special enough.
Never have been\.
Never will be.

I'm so lonely. I've always been alone and just when I find someone who knows and understands that kind of loneliness, it turns out, that he's still too good for me. I'm just not that special.

I don't understand why the most hurt always end up the most lonely. It's a fucking mind fuck!

It's like we try so hard to be perfect for someone perfect and we eliminate all the horrible things to lessen the process of finding "the one".  And well sure.. maybe there is never "the one" but we can find "one" who makes us feel special enough to think so.. but then what if you find them, and they end up telling you that they've never met anyone perfect enough for the perfection they've accomplished?

How are you supposed to feel about it then?

It's like just when you though you were perfect enough.. you come to find out that there is still more you can do. 

Perfect is never good enough and Good enough is never good enough.

I guess I just have to accept that concept into my life and move the fuck on.

What ever happened to hesitant kisses and anticipation? That nervous feeling of butterflies you get when you feel the breath on your neck and the kisses on your ear. the breath in your ear. The gentle touch of a man's fingers along your hairline.  The butterflies that take over when you gaze into his eyes.  Does he feel the same? Was it special moment? or a moment he shares with everyone? Was it just initiation process? Was it just the beginning and then things are expected?
Don't kiss.
You'll get too attached.
What is this? Pretty Woman?
Have I become a financial asset to a company and now business is just business?
Never pretty enough. Never hot enough. Never good enough. Never ever good enough. 

I guess the one's with pure hearts and damaged souls always end up alone. 
two heads and not enough blood to run both.
But women are crazy cuz they bleed for 7 days and don't die right? YEah...

I wish I was born with a dick because I wouldn't give a fuck.

It was just easy to move on and find a new fuck.. but girls supposedly don't want him right. even though a girl told him he looks like ryan gossling.


Go be free! be freer than me because I am a fucking slave to my god damn heart and I can't fucking take it anymore.  So before you fall in to a god damned trap like I did just save yourself the fucking expereince of more pain anf more guilt and just avoid it all! Love is god damn crock of shit!
It doesn't exist mutually it only exists as a one way ticket to loneliness.

I'm sick of this heart game!
I sick of it all.
No more fucking
No more relationships!
Just fuck it all...
Buy a gun instead of dating!
There's my finest advice for the living who have never loved.

Take it from me..

Boys aren't worth it!
Neither are Men.

And boy, oh boy, it's fucking ironic...
it's so ironic. 

You fuck up.
You fix yourself.
You fuck up and fix yourself.
You find someone who matches the perfect description of everything you've ever wanted in your life and he... well he just doesn't want you.

FRIENDZONED TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Bye, Love.
It was fun while it lasted.
Really fun...
It'll never happen again and soon it'll be like it never happened.

-Lisa Rowe

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