Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Road...

Life is road filled with invisible chaos which fills the lanes and causes us to crash. To burn. To turn into ashes and only to found weeks later, unable to be revived.

Life is long road; a fucking journey. It has many forks; many decisions-many changes.  It's a constant dilemma. Always maintaining your focus and the moment you take your eye off the prize of the reflecting reflectors of opposition, you are left with a irrepayable debt for a lifetime.

A mission.
A loathing sense of always having to do the right thing. 
A lack of fulfillment.
A time capsule controlled by the richest people in the world.
A sad world.
A hungry world.
A world filled with a lack of love and burdened hearts.
It's no wonder so many people die uncharted deaths due to their own taking. 
It's no wonder so many are consumed by addictions to the most useless numbing attributes.
But I suppose life is too short to give a fuck anymore.
Live life in the moment, right? Sit back, relax and take a ride to an unknown universe.
Drive like no one is watching... or is it dance?
I forget how to do either.
Life is a place where people go to get away from death.
But what happens in our lives causes us to die quicker.

Life is the hardest thing we will ever have to do.
Love is hardest part of life to understand.
Death is the hardest point in life to fear.
And where we go after that is unknown.
Our souls may linger. Our spirits may move on to other realms unexplained by anyone.
And our bodies just die and either get lowered into the ground or burned by flames and kepted on the fireplace panel by living members of the circles we make while we live and they are expected to keep living on as though you are or werent there, but regarless they must live.  We must live.

Whether we are alone or have a life filled with the presence of people we must live.
Supposedly, we must live every moment to the fullest. We must live in each moment regardless if we hurt others. We must achieve our own state of happiness and never let anyone or anything hold us back from the happiness.  We must live to never regret although on our deathbeds, because we never know when it's coming, we regret it all. All we have done and all that we could, would, should, have.

A fucked up road.
Always under construction due to the constant destruction.

'tis better to live beneath a rock and never know what's going on in the lives which surround you than to be sucked up in the chaos that distracts our fellow neighbors who continue to remain blinded by the light of those whose will is to cease our power.

Live in your mind and your mind will be safe.
Live in your own heart and your heart will always be safe and never broken.
Live in your world and you will always be its creator.
Live in your own voice and you will always be heard.
Live in your own spirit and you will live forever.

But you must....


Too curious to die...
Yet too tired to live...
But you must.


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