Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's so fucking annoying..

All the fucked up shit I go through.


My whole life is one giant "NO"

In my world.. if you're me.. you never get what you want. EVER

Sometimes, I wish I could just keel [sp] over and never wake up again!

If my job ever got robbed, I'd purposely tell the person holding me up "NO" just so he/she can shoot me in the face! I'd beg for that person to put me out of my misery!

Just when shit hit the fan... the fan broke and now the ceiling is gone too.

..and people wonder why I'm such a bitch!

Hurt people hurt people!!!!!!!!


Fuck it all! People in the pathetic little world are so fucking stupid it's fucking irritating.

Wake  up, people! Look at yourselves! Look at how fucking dumb you are! Where is the other half of your fucking brain? Were you born with a fucking brain?

Hey fat ass! Wonder why you're un-happy? Put the fucking burger down and perhaps you'll figure it out!

Hey, cheating ex boyfriend, you know why you got her pregnant? Because you didn't listen when I told you I was a product of birth control. That's what you get... and it makes me feel that much better that you're not attracted to her.. I hope she keeps it anyway! Plus, didnt you say you were against abortion? HAHAHA yeah.. til you're faced with reality! Now you can finally know what it feel like to have life slap you in the fucking face! I bet you weren't expecting this on your platter of other things that were handed to you!

Hey rich bitch with complaints about which rich club youre going to spend your new years at.... FUCK YOU! I hope you die by ingesting a $20.

All you rude ass customers that like to talk to people like shit because we get paid less than you... I can't wait til you get plowed into by a big rig in the fucking parking lot!

Hey, MOM! Give me money and stop blowing your fucked up cheating lying husband!

Hey Step Dad! Tell everyone the fucking truth and stop pretending like you know everything! Oh, and thanks for a letting a pedophile live across my hall! As if I didn't already have every reason to hate you... I just fucking found another! Your perfect son, ain't so fucking perfect anymore now is he? He's real! Just like the rest of this fucking world! Unlike you who lives in lies!

Hey, gangster! Wonder why you don't have riches and gold honestly? because you steal and lie and cheat! And you give ethnic folks a really bad name! FUCKING thank you!

Hey racist prick! What in the fuck makes you so fucking special? What the fuck makes you superior?  and let me guess.. you found your logicial reasoning all through word of mouth? Thank god the fucking court doesn't rely on word of mouth to justify people's actions!

Hey bible thumping idiot!?!? WHERE'S the FUCKING PROOF??? That is not a fucking history book.. it's a book of fables just like the fucking Mother Goose book I had a child... I don't think Genie, from Aladdin is real either! Go fuck yourself! I don't care what kind of music you have at your fucking event! I'm not going! I'm going to continue smokine my cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and starving and talking shit!~ so fuck off.  Who's to say Hell is such a bad place after all.. That's where all the fucking cocaine would be!

Oh, and You homophobic moronic pathetic excuse for a human being...... go fuck your Catholic preist like he fucked you when you were 10!

I fucking hate the world. I've been praying since I was 10 to be released from it all! I want to disappear forever! ..


like.. seriously.... forever...

Yeah... something like that..

I'm tired of people being stupid! People die, people cut, people kill, people rape, people are fucking people! They're fucking stupid!

1 comment:

  1. people suck lol . im sorry, listen to conversations with god, it helped when i wanted to die...its a book too . :) fuck people, life is short, i decided i wanna snowboard (learn lol) and adopt wen 27 and whatever fuck everyone else!!
    things will get better hun, go into nature, look at the stars and ignore dumbasses

    i love lisa!!! angelina jolie does whatever the fuck she wants and is thin. sigh , so perfect!


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