Friday, December 2, 2011

Fuck I'm fat!

I'm so tired of the fucking holidays. I feel so distracted and when I'm distracted I fuck up. I miss my followers. But I can't go back to my old blog because that allows me to go back to my old me. I need to be stronger in this round. I need to go back to liquids and never stop. 115 sounds so beautiful. But 110 sounds better. I'm 155.1 today. I don't know how I gained cuz I only are 900 call yesterday. I'm hoping its just the end of my period that's ducking everything up.

I found my diuretics. I think ill pop a few if those. I just can't stand being in the fucking 50s for so long when I was doing so well before. I need help to buckle down and get serious. Fuck food. I'm going back to chicken broth. I miss my ribs and my collar bones and I can't wait to have a better spine. Not seeing bones kills me in my fat body. I can't think of anything else that will make me feel better it accomplished.

I've been using this app called "my fitness pal" it allows you to enter the weight you want to be and it'll tell you the max cals you can eat to get there. I suggest you download it and come join me. You can even adjust you cals. Mine are at 900 right now.

In time ill be back to 500 when I shrink my stomach again. Hopefully inn 2 weeks.


1 comment:

  1. Stay strong, because reading your blog I feel like when I read your blog I can definitely accomplish my goals as well. Your kinda like my hero, if that doesn't sound too bizarre. Do you find chicken broth fills you up as well as keeps you thin? Cuz I'm looking for something along those lines.


Be simple, be honest. [ stats? ]