Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Mask...

Is a mask for sadness.
A thick, invisible, bone-like, structure one wears to mask the tears that have dried due to numerous amounts of pain. 
This pain is sometimes caused physically, but more often than not it is caused by the people one loves and allows into their heart.
An angry heart is protected by its mask and allows no one in to remove it because no where on the timeline of life has anyone ever protected the one that wears the shield. 
An angry life is as life who trusts nothing and no one.
A love-less life.
A sad life.
A life without love is a sad life indeed and when sad for long enough without a protective guard, one creates a mask from the depths of the soul unfortunately resulting in an unmaluable form which covers the heart.

The desire to love is held dear beneath many layers and cannot nor will not escape until the mask is removed and the sadness is dealt with.
Only then, can an angry heart love again.
Removing an angry mask requires trust - and the lack of trust is what got it there to begin with.

I really think that when a life is held in such an angry regard, for so long, one begins to stop caring as well.
The loss of hope and hidden love behind so many pages of this mask creates a careless and carefree life often resulting in dangerous and wreckless behavior.

The Hag.
The boastful bitch who casts spells upon many but never allows the spells to draw out her inner soul and runs at the first sight of the casting.
Her heart requires a patient healing love.
Healing love with open mind.
Willing to look past judgement.

Sometimes, one will find a love who fits all the descriptions but her wounds and her damaged heart will push the love away and she will lose that love.

An angry life is life filled with a lack of trust, filled with sadness, grief, guilt, loneliness, a loss of hope, and loss.
Oh, the loss.
The many of losses.
Never being able to hold onto anything too long. Never being able to obtain a grasp on anything worth helping to remove the mask in a reaction to the fear.

Fear of pain.
Fear of loss despite the massive losses.
They turn to no one and eventually no one will turn to them from the many times they have pushed and pushed away.
And inside all one can tell themselves for reassurance is,"Oh, well. Fuck it!"



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