Thursday, March 29, 2012

ABC Challenge - Begins APRIL 1st [with revised date plans]

I hope you are all getting ready for the challenge of the year! I'm super pumped and super excited! I just hope I don't fail like I have in the past! We all really need this.

I had someone explain they were doing their own version of ABC which is totally fine. I understand some of you may have a situation where you will faint or be seen by parents, room mates, lovers, etc.  I live with my bf who is like always busy.. lol so I get lucky with the fact that no one in my family is close enough to notice.  I've been waiting for this moment since I was little. 

Also, if you don't mind, I'd love to see that version of ABC so that I may try that one another time! I've been super anxious lately!!! So I really can't wait to focus on this. 

I've changed the dates on the info, so you can now copy, paste and print if you'd like so you can FOR SURE keep track of your daily stuff...

April is on a Sunday, so get ready! By May [bikini season begins] we will have this.... We'll have to think of plans in the mean time of how to maintain it...

Stay strong, beauties and let everyone know about it.  The more people we'll have doing it, the more support we'll have and the more successful we'll all be.


Here is the plan in DETAILS: ( You may want to print this and keep it with you as a reminder)


date| day | cal. intake 
____| 1 | 500 cal
____| 2 | 500 cal
____| 3 | 300 cal
____| 4 | 400 cal
____| 5 | 100 cal
____| 6 | 200 cal
____| 7 | 300 cal --ONE WEEK! Good job! Stay Strong! [Scale Pics Challege OVER]
____| 8 | 400 cal
____| 9 | 500 cal
____|10|| FAST -- Drink water, and 0 cal liquids! You can do this! Chew 0 cal gum! Sleep a lot!
____|11| 150 cal -- don't binge, stay strong!
____|12|200 cal
____|13| 400 cal
____|14| 350 cal -- TWO WEEKS! KEEP GOING! STAY STRONG!!!!!!!!!
____|15| 250 cal
____|16| 200 cal
____|17| FAST -- Drink water and 0 cal liquids! You can do this! Try 0 cal powder drinks to flavor your water bottles
____|18| 200 cal
____|19|100 cal -- spread this out evenly through the day. Try to wait as long as you can
____|20| FAST -- IF you can sleep most of the day, that may help fight the cravings! Stay STRONG!!!!! [4:20 celebrators, DON'T SMOKE! You WILL get the munchies! You're doing so well!]

____|21|300 cal --THREE WEEKS! You've made it this far! DON'T GIVE UP! BE THIN!
____|22| 250 cal
____|23| 200 cal
____|24| 150 cal
____|25| 100 cal
____|26| 50 cal -- petite, tiny, small, delicate,thin,skinny,dainty,fragile, perfect, control, discipline, STAY STRONG
____|27| 100 cal
____|28| 200 cal -- FOUR WEEKS! You're ALMOST THERE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
____|29| 200 cal
____|30| 300 cal
____|31| 800 cal -- a little break! Be careful.  Don't Binge! eat a lot of protein to stay full for tomorrow!
____|32| FAST -- ONE MONTH! How much have you lost? Think of your goal!
____|33|250 cal
[Summer is almost here! Be ready to show off your perfect body in that new bikini]
____|34| 350 cal
____|35| 450 cal -- FIVE WEEKS! Can you believe you made it this far?  You can make this a ____habit! A life-style! -- CINCO DE MAYO - Stay AWAY from tequila! You'll eat WAY more!

____|36| FAST -- BEAT THIS! You are better than temptation! Let the nastiness fall off! It's ____worth it in the end
____|37| 500 cal
____|38| 450 cal
____|39| 400 cal
____|40| 350 cal
____|41| 300 cal
____|42| 250 cal -- SIX WEEKS! Congrats! Soldier, you're almost outta boot camp!
____|43| 200 cal
____|44| 200 cal
____|45| 250 cal
____|46| 200 cal
____|47| 300 cal
____|48| 200 cal
____|49| 150 cal -- SEVEN WEEKS! You are free in a day! Stay Strong! Battle the field of food!
____|50| FAST -- For the last day! Finish like a champ!

-- YOU DID IT !!!!!


Before weight: ______
After weight:________
ABC Goal weight:_________
Ultimate Goal weight: __________



Hamstring Toe-Touch [Warm-up Stretch]:
  -- 30 sec. hold to LEFT
  -- 30 sec. hold to CENTER
  -- 30 sec. hold to RIGHT
  -- 30 high-knees
  -- 30 air bike crunches
  -- 30 mountain climbers
  -- 20 double crunches [ sit ups with arms and legs]
  -- 15 burpees
  -- 40 jumping jacks
  -- 20 push ups [with rotation]
  -- 30 "V" ups
  -- 30 lunges
  -- 30 arm punches [ with legs up against wall, laying on back]
Dynamic Back Stretch:
     -pull into ball while on back
     -push out with legs straight out in front of you, until body is flat
     -20 x repeat
Hamstring Toe-Touch [Cool Down Stretch]:
  --30 sec. hold to LEFT
  --30 sec. hold to CENTER
  --30 sec. hold to RIGHT


  1. Hey, could we maybe not stop the scale pics after the first week? Atleast not completely? Like, after the first week, only post pics once a week or something? I just think it would keep me so much more motivated if I could see just how well everyone else was doing.

    Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way though... Nvm. We don't NEED to. I just thought it might be a good idea :)

  2. You can totally do what ever you'd like. This is YOUR challenge too! If you think that is going to keep you strong, then go for it. I couldn't take a pic this morning because I was woken up for breakfast with the bf and his dad last minute. I'd love to see scale pics! Why not? It'll probably keep us all motivated. :)


Be simple, be honest. [ stats? ]