Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov. 21 - Begin a new; again?

I'm so excited for this week because I'm finally going back to the gym. I think in 2 weeks I'm going to start the master cleanse again. We'll see. Lemons are more expensive than one would think.  If there is a cheaper way to REAL lemon juice let me know. 

Lately, I've been curious to see what people eat everyday. I'm not sure why.. I'm just super curious. I like hearing what people eat. It either makes me happy that I was stronger than those who ate more, or it makes me sad that could not be as strong.   I dunno, I guess sharing what we eat everyday will keep up in line for the following day if we fuck up... right?

Anyway, the only way I'm going to get passed 151 is to boost my metabolism by exercising again. fasting has stopped my metabolism and diet pills are the only thing pushing everything out or back, so it's time to mend it back in. 

Does anyone else find isolation comforting? I've been enjoying it a lot.  I have my bf which has been absolutely insanely amazing, but not being around other people to distract you, has been quite fun.  Lonely, but at least I can fantasize and obesess with thinspo without someone judging me right over my shoulder.  I feel like it's a secret again.. I want it to always be a secret.  I never want to talk to anyone about it. My bf is tired of hearing the word "calories" anyway. 

But not you.... you all understand. 

I hope more readers will come... I miss all my dedicated followers! And I appreciate all comments left so far.

What did you eat today? or send me a link to your blog.


This is my nastiness:

151 lbs


  1. You should check into the HCG diet. It's 500 calories a day, but supported by HCG. I am 31 days into the diet, have lost 18 pounds, and most of those pounds are body fat. I am never hungry and usually have all my energy. These are the forums that you can learn about it and ask questions. It's not a commercial site, just a forum
    Or, go to YouTube and search "R1P2" Good luck.


    I stumbled upon your blog and I feel like I totally get how you feel. I'm five two and 160 lbs which I'm going to extreme measures to get to my ideal weight of 89 lbs. I feel sharing what I eat helPs me out and keeps me motivated! Thank you.


Be simple, be honest. [ stats? ]